Nethamus, though riven by firestorms and choked by roiling clouds of smoke, still clung to life. With the constant stream of Imperial reinforcements however, not only were the convoys saved but the planet eventually scoured of the Nurglites. As the Imperial Fleet burned away much of the Nurglite corruption of the planet's continent-wide crop fields before the taint could spread, large convoys of giant factory-crawlers held off wave after wave of armored assault by the forces of chaos, desperate to allow their precious cargo to be lifted up to the waiting Imperial bulk transports in space. The liberation of Nethamus, the breadbasket of the Konor System came next. With freshly bolstered detachments of well-armed Astra Militarum veterans at their side, the loyalist counter-attack overwhelmed the embattled Chaos forces, retaking the planet and putting the significant production capability of the planet's forges back to work within hours of the battle's end. On Konor, the war became a nightmarish hellscape of industrial devastation, a maze of shattered manufactorums and debris-strewn labour-halls the battleground for the clash between two armies bent on taking the Forge World's industrial capability for itself. Laden with fresh conscripts from the populous world, the Imperials then sought to relieve the worlds of Konor and Nethamus. Despite ferocious fighting in the teeming hive-cities of the planet, the defenders of Ultramar would ultimately triumph. With little time to spare, the Imperials focused their efforts in breaking the siege of Astaramis, the most heavily populated world in the system. Battle for the Coreīy the time Imperial reinforcements arrived in the Konor System, the forces of chaos had already pushed deep into the core worlds of the Konor system. Had they succeeded the greatest Imperial stronghold in the sector would be vulnerable with Guilliman and his forces surrounded and cut-off from the rest of Ultramar, unable to conduct a system-wide counterattack or properly reinforce the many worlds that were under siege. More importantly, it also guarded one of the few stable warp transit routes to the Macragge System.

Populous and prosperous, with a large and well-equipped defence force, the Konor System embodied the glorious dream of Ultramar.

Home to the industrial powerhouse that was the forge world of Konor, it fed the Imperial war machine with vital shipments of munitions and machinery.

In order to regain the initiative that had been lost by the sudden counterattack of the Ultramarines led by Guilliman himself, the Death Guard set their sights upon the Konor System.