If you want an even footing with the AI, find the AI control panel and then turn off dynamic building or production so the AI won't fuck you in 20 different ways as soon as the game starts. 1.1 Campaign 1.2 Squads 1.3 Skirmish 1.4 The Last Stand 2 Plot 3 Development 4 Reception 5 Expansions. It would ask you if you want to replace the file, replace the file, launch up the mod and enjoy. In order to get it to work just fine the campaign file then do this: Dawn of War Soulstorm > Ultimate Apocalypse_THB > Data > Art > UI > Screens Of course if you want the kaurava campaign in the mod then go here:

And here's the links needed for the download( you need to place the files in the soulstorm folder otherwise the mod will not work, this includes all the files whose links I have given)